Easy Breezy Periods
I'm back to blogging after some time off. Staying away too long is not good, and I'm ready to show my commitment to helping people live a healthier more balanced lifestyle. I wanted to talk about how women are capable of having a pain free period, with energy and vigor, so we can continue to go on with our day to day activities. Just a few years ago, I would have crippling cramps that would have me throwing up over someone's toilet, and rolling around the floor for relief. If I had work and these cramps decided to come on, I would usually leave early because I refused to take pain killers. I needed to find the root cause of these bad period cramps, and nausea.
I had been eating my usual, lots of fruits and veggies, and grains here and there. Also when I first transitioned to becoming a vegetarian and then a vegan, my periods were easy to deal with. As time went on I realized that I had been drinking less herbal teas, and may not have been getting the proper vitamins and minerals I was used to getting in the beginning of my transition. There was also a metaphysical reason why I had all of a sudden been attacked with bad periods, but that's another post for another day.
So I went back to my roots, and also added some things to my menstrual regime. Here's a list of things and hopefully it can help you too:
1. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea - You can purchase the yogi brand as pictured above or buy your herbal tea in bulk. This tea is very pleasant and has a nice light taste to it. It isn't pungent or overpowering. This tea tones the uterus and relaxes the muscles that may cramp up and tighten during your cycle. It also balances hormones, prevents nausea, and encourages healthy sleep patterns. Vitamins that are found in this tasty tea are, magnesium, potassium, iron, B-vitamins, and vitamin C. This tea can also help with those who suffer from menstrual breakouts on the skin as well. Hormones are balanced so PMS becomes non existent. This tea is also safe for pregnant women as well, but of course please consult with your Dr. first! This tea can be sipped anytime, as it actually prepares your reproductive system for a manageable cycle beforehand. Once you are on your cycle you can actually just sip the tea sparingly when needed if you have been drinking it on a daily basis before your cycle began.
2. Yogi Brand Moon Cycle or Woman's Energy Herbal Teas - Both of these teas have the same benefit as red raspberry tea plus more. The Moon Cycle tea list red raspberry as one of the ingredients, along with heat enhancing, and relaxing herbs such as ginger root, cinnamon, chamomile, and don quai root. These teas provide the energy that you may begin to lack while on your cycle. The loss of blood we have can have us lacking energy, and these teas replace the vitamins and minerals, especially iron that we need. Both these teas have a chai like flavor, bursting with strong cinnamon and ginger essence. Again these teas can be consumed at anytime leading up to, and during your period. It makes for a pain free cycle.
3. Vitex Berry - I started to take these veggie capsules to prevent hormonal acne. I would get a painful pimple along my jawline or on my chin. With face mapping, you can discover that certain areas of the face relate to certain organs in the body, and the jawline and chin are related to the reproductive system. These capsules can be taken daily and helps to keep your skin clear.
4. Turmeric and Ginger Root Tea - This homemade tea is such a hit, for skin, periods, mood, colds, and any pain throughout the body. Turmeric is extremely anti-inflammatory and combined with the ginger it is a power punch that leads into a relaxed state. Black pepper is added to this tea for better absorption too. I prepare this tea by washing both the turmeric and ginger root, peeling the skins, and adding it to a small potful of water. Once the tea has boiled, I cut the fire off and add the black pepper. I like to let the tea brew for about half an hour before I drink. You can add honey or agave to sweeten if you like.
5. Relax and Pause for a While - This is an important step. Don't take on more work than needed, pause from exercise for a couple of days with the exception of some simple stretches. Pay attention to your mental state and don't surround yourself in negativity if possible.