Masters of Disguise
Are you always paying attention to the social media gods and godesses? You know what I mean. The people who seem to have their lives together and everything is perfect and fancy free. You probably admire the lifestyles of the care-free black girls who seem to have money, love, fresh fruit, and adventure at their disposal, just like I admire them. Sure there are people who are living these fantastic lives, but social media can have you feeling complacent and as if your goals will never be reached and that will become factual if you are giving all of your time and energy to social media and not creating your own reality of those spectacular things you see happening in everyone else's lives or not. The point I'm trying to make is that you can't always beieve what you see on facebook and instagram. Take time to live for yourself and perfect the greatest version of you, but if there is something that triggers an emotional or thought provoking response for you while surfing social media maybe that's your cue to do some research, try something new, put down your phone and be creative for a while instead of just being a consumer. Here are some things I do when I'm trying to create my own bliss:
1. I have a book challenge on to read 50 books this year and I'm moving as fast as I can. I may include some book reviews on here for you guys to read.
2. Listen to high vibration tunes. Yea some people like their trap music or hyper sexual reggae but there is a time and place for everything. When you feel like you are in a slump or you just want to raise your vibrations listen to more upbeat songs with plenty of instruments and soft soothing voices.
3. A month ago, I added a special type of journal to my collection. I call it my Manifestation Journal. I write what I want and I read it back to myself often. I make sure to be detailed and I try to prepare myself for the things that I am asking for because they may appear sooner than later.
4. Exercise. Admiring those sexy abs and legs on the internet? Work on your own. You can do it!
5. Create. Draw, color, paint, sing, write. I actually love to do all of these things and they get you out of your head and into admiring yourself and all of your uniqueness.
6. Take a walk, a slow walk with attentive breathing. Inhaling and exhaling worry, doubt, superficialness, drama, and pain.
7. Have a bath. Light candles that are placed carefully in your bathroom, fill your tub with epsom salts, essential oils, and relax your body and spirit.
8. Look in the mirror and point out what you love, not what you hate or dislike. Do this often.
These are things that I'm still trying to do for myself as well and I welcome you to practice these things daily to remain grounded and realize how special you are too.