Guy Stories
Age 29 and I'm discovering how content you can be without a relationship. This is no man hating rant, but it's some dialogue for empowerment, self love, and mastery of self. My standards have gone from wanting to be with a man because he's "nice" to realizing that "nice" is not enough to get along in this world, or with this woman. The emotional ties we fall into, which also get tighter when we have premature sex with an unworthy partner can fog our brains and our hearts. In 2016 there are more games than ever between girls and boys. You don't want to be in the playground any longer, and there are ways to protect your energy and save it for someone worth while, starting with yourself. Here are some simple things I started to do in my spare time:
1. Researching on how to get my small business started. *Business women are always sexy with that independent swag. Be sexy and smart for yourself.
2. Read more books. Never stop learning. Even if you need some escapism, read that romantic novel if you have to.
3. Work on your health. Consume more fresh fruits and veggies. Find more recipes, get cooking, or learn how to cook for the first time. Exercise your body, and not because you want to look like someone else for someone else. Exercise for physical health, strength, endurance, and mind clarity.
4. Keep your hobbies. Don't drop em because you are "too busy". Write, photograph, paint, etc. These are all better than the hobby of fighting for a fuckboys attention.
5. Have moments of silence in nature or at home. You can clear that mind and heart fog when you are alone in your thoughts. This meditative and intuitive state is a practice that can lead you to find out exactly what you want and need out of life.
6. Surround yourself with positive people who motivate you daily. You are as good as the company you keep.